1. 1.1 IT is an abbrebiation for Information Thechnology: TRUE 1.2 The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) are the same thing: FALSE 1.3 A browser is a person who enJoys looKing at the WWW: FALSE 1.4 You can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds: FALSE 1.5 You need the newest,fastest computers to use the Web: FALSE 1.6 Most Internet users are men: TRUE 1.7 @ is called "at" in english: FALSE 2. 2.1 BROWSER: Software that lets you access the WWW 2.2 TO DOWNLOAD: To get programs from the Internet 2.3 TO CHAT: To have a conversation through the Internet by writing or speaking 2.4 EMAIL: Letters you send by Internet 2.5 A MODEM: Thing that connects a computer to the Internet 2.6 WI-FI: Wireless device that allows computers to connect to the internet using a router 2.7 ON-LINE: When you are connected to the internet 2.8 SOFTWARE: Computer programs 2.9 SCROLL DOWN/UP: Move the page up or down using th...