
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: setembre, 2017


1. 1.1 IT is an abbrebiation for Information Thechnology:  TRUE 1.2 The Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) are the same thing:  FALSE 1.3 A browser is a person who enJoys looKing at the WWW: FALSE 1.4 You can see pictures and words on-line but you cannot listen to sounds: FALSE 1.5 You need the newest,fastest computers to use the Web: FALSE 1.6 Most Internet users are men: TRUE 1.7 @ is called "at" in english: FALSE 2. 2.1 BROWSER: Software that lets you access the WWW 2.2 TO DOWNLOAD: To get programs from the Internet 2.3 TO CHAT:  To have a conversation through the Internet by writing or speaking 2.4 EMAIL:  Letters you send by Internet 2.5 A MODEM: Thing that connects a computer to the Internet 2.6 WI-FI: Wireless device that allows computers to connect to the internet using a router  2.7 ON-LINE:  When you are connected to the internet 2.8 SOFTWARE:  Computer programs 2.9 SCROLL DOWN/UP: Move the page up or down using th...


1 1.1The screen is PHILIPS and the tower is LG 1.2 Windows is the operating system 1.3 The computer use google chrome, motzilla firefox and internet explorer 1.4 There are two buttons and one scroll wheel 1.5 Yes, there are 1.6     RETURN(enter): Enrere                                                     HYPHEN OR DASH: - SPACE BAR: Espai                                                                 PERIOD OR DOT: . SHIFT: Majúscula                                                                 COMMA: , TAB:Tab...